A6a. The Supreme Pasture Pork 15 lbs & Beef Combo 15lbs (30LBS)
This package is the same package that has been the most popular package on the pork ordering page. It is truly for grass fed beef and pasture pork lovers who mean business. Included in this 30 Pound package are:
On the Grass Fed Beef portion of the box.
- Any combination of Grass Fed Beef Steaks (cut 1 1/4" thick), Roasts; (Short Rib,Shoulder,Rump,Sirloin Tip,Eye of the Round, Brasing Ribs, Stewing Beef,Ground Beef........Total 15 pounds
On the Pasture Pork side of the box,
- Regular or Garlic Sausages ( 4 per pak ) Breakfast Bacon, a roast or two ( Fresh Ham, Shoulder Roast, Butt Roast or Old Fashion Ham ),Ribs, Ham Steaks, Pork or Butt Chops* ( *shoulder roast in chop form ..with bone ) . ....Total of 15 pounds
FREE Shipping and packaging. ( Delivery anywhere in southern Ontario, including Ottawa )
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